O'Dea, William Patrick was born on February 20, 1959 in Jersey City. Son of William Patrick O'Dea Senior and Blanche (Zakzrewski) O'Dea.
research and development company executive
O'Dea, William Patrick was born on February 20, 1959 in Jersey City. Son of William Patrick O'Dea Senior and Blanche (Zakzrewski) O'Dea.
Bachelor of Science in political science, St. John's University, 1981. Bachelor of Science in criminal justice, Seton Hall Law School, 1982.
Project manager Elizabeth (New Jersey) Development Company, 1993—1994, UEZ director, 1994—1995, deputy executive director, since 1995. City council member City of Jersey City, 1985—1993. Freeholder County of Hudson, Jersey City, since 1997.
Member Jersey City Planning Board, 1985—1989. V. chairman Jersey City Education Development Company, 1985—1989, Puerto Rico Organization for Economic Education Development, Elizabeth, since 1996.
Board member Friends of the Loew's, Jersey City, 2003. Elected member New Jersey Democratic Committee, Trenton, since 2000. Board member Big Brother/Big Sister, Hudson County, since 1997.
Member of Knights of Columbus 475, Moose Lodge 266, National Honor Society.