Harary, Frank was born on March 11, 1921 in New York City. Son of Joseph and Mary (Laby) Harary.
(The book is a definitive treatise on the enumeration of g...)
The book is a definitive treatise on the enumeration of graphs and related structural configurations, providing historical results as well as recent developments having potential application in the fields of physics, chemistry, computer science, and electrical engineering. Its ten chapters cover the subjects of labeled enumeration, Polya's Theorem, trees, graphs, diagraphs, power group enumeration, superposition, blocks, asymptotics, and as a special feature, a new comprehensive list of unsolved graphical enumeration problems. It includes an extensive bibliography and numerous exercises ranging in difficulty from routine to intractable.
(In their previous book, Structural Models in Anthropology...)
In their previous book, Structural Models in Anthropology, Hage and Haray used graph theory, a branch of pure mathematics, to develop a family of models for the study of social, symbolic, and cognitive relations. With Exchange in Oceania the authors extend these models using ethnographic data from Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia to demonstrate that the language, techniques, and theorems of graph theory provide the essential basis for the description, quantification, simulation, enumeration, and notation of the great variety of exchange forms actually found in Oceanic societies.
(Contrary to common perception and belief, most island soc...)
Contrary to common perception and belief, most island societies of the Pacific were not isolated, but were connected to other island societies by relations of kinship and marriage, trade and tribute, language and history. Using network models from graph theory the authors analyze the formation of island empires, dialect groups, economic and political centers; the evolution and devolution of social stratification; and the development of kinship terminologies, marriage systems and descent groups.
(Hage and Harary present a comprehensive introduction to t...)
Hage and Harary present a comprehensive introduction to the use of graph theory in social and cultural anthropology. Using a wide range of empirical examples, the authors illustrate how graph theory can provide a language for expressing in a more exact fashion concepts and notions that can only be imperfectly rendered verbally. They show how graphs, digraphs and networks, together with their associated matrices and duality laws, facilitate the study of such diverse topics as mediation and power in exchange systems, reachability in social networks, efficiency in cognitive schemata, logic in kinship relations, and productivity in subsistence modes. The interaction between graphs and groups provides further means for the analysis of transformations in myths and permutations in symbolic systems. The totality of these structural models aids in the collection as well as the interpretation of field data. The presentation is clear, precise and readily accessible to the nonmathematical reader. It emphasizes the implicit presence of graph theory in much of anthropological thinking.
educator mathematician computer scientist
Harary, Frank was born on March 11, 1921 in New York City. Son of Joseph and Mary (Laby) Harary.
Bachelor, Brooklyn College, 1941. Master of Arts, Brooklyn College, 1945. Doctor of Philosophy, University California, Berkeley, 1948.
Master of Arts status, University Oxford, England, 1973. Doctor of Science, Master of Science in Mathematics (honorary), University Aberdeen, Scotland, 1975. Fil.Dr. in Social Sciences (honorary), University Lund, Sweden, 1978.
Master of Arts status, University Cambridge, England, 1981. Honorary Doctor of Science in Computer Science, University Exeter, England, 1992.
Member faculty department mathematics University Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1948-1986, professor, 1964-1986, professor emeritus, 1987—2005. Faculty associate Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute Social Research, 1950-1982. Distinguished visiting professor mathematics and computer science New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, 1986, Distinguished professor computer science, 1987—2005.
Member Institute Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 1957-1959. Visiting professor mathematics Princeton University, 1958-1959, University College London, 1962-1963. Senior research behavioural science Tavistock Institute Human Relations, London, 1962-1963.
Visiting professor statistics London School of Economics, 1966-1967. Visiting professor psychology University Melbourne, 1969. Visiting professor combinatorics University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, fall 1970.
Visiting professor psychology University Central, Caracas, Venezuela, 1979. Visiting professor electrical engineering University Chile, Santiago, 1970. Visiting professor mathematics University Copenhagen, 1970, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 1973, University Niamey, Niger, 1975, University Newcastle, Australia, 1976, University Tartu, Estonia, 1989, University Catania, Italy, 1988, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1992, University Rome, 1992, 93.
Visiting professor compuer science University Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1992, 96. Fellow Wolfson College, University Oxford, 1973-1974, Churchill College, Cambridge University, 1980-1981. Visiting professor civil engineering Columbia University.
Visiting professor chemistry University Paris, 1971, University Basel, Switzerland, 1974, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, Galveston, 1993. Visiting professor geography University Lagos, Nigeria, 1975. Visiting professor Tallinn Botanical Gardens, Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Visiting professor computer science Alexander the Great University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1993, 96, University Tampere, Finland, 1993, Tallinn Technology University, Estonia, 1993. Visiting professor economics Aristotle University Thessaloniki, 1993. Visiting professor mechanical engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 1988, 96.
Colloquium lecturer Edinburgh Mathematics Society, St. Andrews, 1972. Inaugural lecturer Southeast Asian Mathematics Society, Singapore, 1972. Lecturer Malaysian Mathematics Society, Penang, Malaysia, 1974.
Lecturer Institute Management Sciences & Operations Research Society of America, Philadelphia, 1958, OR Society of America, Institute Radio Engineers, New York City, 1958, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York City, 1960, Linguistic Society of America, New York City, 1960, American Mathematics Society, New York City, 1960, 1st Caribbean Combinatorial Conference, Kingston, Jamaica, 1970, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1977, Society Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Santa Barbara, California, 1968, 3rd Conference Information Retrieval, Elsinore, Denmark, 5th British Combinatorial Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1975, 7th Southeast, Conference on Graph Theory and Computing, Baton Rouge, 1977, 88, 96Ont. Mathematics Meetings, St. Catherine, 1977, Bremer Konferenz zur Chemie, Bremen, Germany, 1978, European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, Udine, Italy, 1978, Mathematics Association American, Bradenton, Florida, 1974, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1980, Holland, Michigan, 1980, Brookings, South Dakota, 1983, Serbian Chemical Society, Kragujevac, Yugoslavia, 1980, Greek Mathematics Society, Athens, 1983, Association for Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences, Catania, Sicily, 1983, Conference on Graph Theory, Steiner Systems and Their Applications, Santa Tecla, Sicily, 1986, 89, Calcutta Math Society, 1986, Indian Math Society, Allahabad, 1986, Hong Kong Math Society, 1986, 1st Japan Conference on Graph Theory, Hakone, 1986, 1st China-United States conference on Graph Theory, Jinan, 1986, China, Chemical Society Japan, Shizuoka, 1987, 30th Anniversary Conference of Thessaloniki Graduate School Business Administration, 1987, 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hong Kong, 1988, 7th Sunbelt Conference on Social Networks, Tampa, Florida, 1989, 4th International Conference On Mathematical Chemistry, Galveston, Texas, 1989, 9th Conference on Discrete Mathematics Clemson University, 1989, 13th Conference,Londong, 14th, Charleston, 1996, 16th, University Mississippi, 1996, International Conferences on Graph Theory, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 1968-1992, 2d Balkan Conference OR, Thessaloniki, 1993, 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference on computers and mathematics, Ioannina, Greece, 1993. Distinguished visiting lecturer University Center Florida, Orlando, 1984, 90.
Invited Reunion of Nobel Laureates, Lindau, Germany, 1989, distinguished scientist in residence New York Academy of Sciences, 1977. Humboldt Foundation fellow, Munich, Germany, summers 1978, 79. Director summer schools North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Frascati, Italy, 1962, Varenna, Italy, 1964.
Participant numerous international symposia in honor of 70th birthday including Estonian Mathematics Society, Tartu and Kaariku, 1991, Graphs and Hypergraphs, Varenna, Italy, 1991, Graph Theory and Applications, Durban and Itala, South Africa, 1991, Graph Theory and Theoretical Chemistry, University Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, 1991, Graph Theory and Computer Science, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1991, Graph Theory and Mechanical Engineering Taiwan, 1991.
(The book is a definitive treatise on the enumeration of g...)
(Contrary to common perception and belief, most island soc...)
(In their previous book, Structural Models in Anthropology...)
(Hage and Harary present a comprehensive introduction to t...)
(John Wiley & Sons 2nd printing 1966 green hardcover 415pp)
Member American Mathematics Society, London Math Society, Glasgow Math Society, Edinburgh Math Society, Canada Math Society, S.E. Asian Math Society, Malaysian Math Society, Calcutta Math Society (vice president since 1978), Mathematics Association American, Society for Industrial and Applied Math, Allahabad Mathematics Society.
Children: Miriam, Natalie, Judith, Thomas, Joel, Chaya (deceased).