BRINDUS, Nicolae was born on April 16, 1935 in Bucharest. Son of Niculae Brandus and Elena Brandu$ (nee Mahalla).
BRINDUS, Nicolae was born on April 16, 1935 in Bucharest. Son of Niculae Brandus and Elena Brandu$ (nee Mahalla).
Doctor of Music, Academy Music, Bucharest, 1981. Graduate in Piano, Academy Music, Bucharest, 1956. Graduate, Academy Music, 1964.
Pianist & soloist Philharmonic Orchestra, Ploiesti, Romania, 1959—1969. Professor Ciprian Porumbescu Conservatory, Bucharest, 1969—1971, since 1992. Editor Muzica Review, since 1981.
Director Ploiesti Philharmonic Orchestra, 1968—1969.
Composer: The Ghosts, (Operas) With the Gypsy Girls, (cantata) amsell Hus, Phtora Cycle, Kitsch-N, Infrarealism, (percusion) Rhythmodia, (tapes, organs, orchestra) Sin-Euphonia I, (choir, soloists, electronic music) Oratorio on St. Thomas texts, (essays) Interrelations.
Romanian Composers’ Union. S.A.C.E.M. (Societe des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique, Paris).
Theatre, literature.
Married Ioana Moroiu, October 22, 1982. Children: Robert, Toma, Clara.