ARTYOM, Fyodor was born on March 7, 1883 in village Glebovo, Fatezh Uyezd, Kursk Province. Son of a peasant.
ARTYOM, Fyodor was born on March 7, 1883 in village Glebovo, Fatezh Uyezd, Kursk Province. Son of a peasant.
Yekaterinoslav secondary school. 1901-1902 studied at Moscow Technical High School.
Expelled from school and arrested for revol activities. 1902 emigrated to Paris. 1903 Iskra (The Spark) agent in Ukraine.
From early 1905 head, Khar’kov Bolshevik organisation. December 1905 directed armed uprising in Khar’kov. 1906 deleg at 4th Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party Congress.
1906 arrested and imprisoned in Khar’kov jail, but soon managed to escape. Party work in Urals; head, Permanent’ Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party Committee. 1907 elected dclcg, 5th Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party Congress, hut in March 1907 re-arrested and imprisoned in Permanent’jail.
1909 sentenced to exile in Eastern Siberia for life. August 1910 fled via of Korea and China to Australia, which he reached in 1911. Worked there as longshoreman and farmhand.
In Queensland (Australia) headed Union of Russian Emigrant Workers. 1912 organizer and ed, Russian Social-Democratic newspaper Avstraliyskoye ekho (Australian Echo). 1917 returned to Russia, headed Bolshevik faction of Khar’kov Soviet.
July 1917 elected Seer, Bureau, Donetsk Oblast Russian Social-Democratic Workers ’Party (Bolsheviks) Committee. Then secretary, Khar’kov Oblast Metalworkers’ Union. 1917 at 6th Russian Social-Democratic Workers ’Party (Bolsheviks) Congress elected member, Central Committee, Russian Social-Democratic Workers ’Party (Bolsheviks).
November 1917 chairman, Khar'kov Soviet. Chairman, Khar’kov Province Military-Revol Committee. December 1917, at 1st All-Ukraine Congress of Soviets, elected member, Ukraine Central Executive Committee and Ukraine People's Seer for Trade and Indiana.
From February 1918 chairman. Council of People's Commissar and Commissar of National Economy, Soviet DonetskKrivoy Rog Republic. Member, Central Committee, Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Ukraine (1918, 1919, 1920).
Fought in Civil War in Ukraine. 1919 elected to Ukraine Council of People's Commissar as People's Commissar of Agitation and Propaganda. 1919 at 8th Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Congress elected candidate member, Central Committee, Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
Summer 1919 Red Army comissar for Chuguyev Sector. 1920 chairman, Donetsk Province Executive Committee. 1920 at 9th Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Congress elected member, Central Committee, Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
Attended 2nd and 3rd Communist International Congresses and 1st Trade-Union International (Profintern) Congess. 1920 headed Soviet trade-union deleg to Norway, Germany and Czechoslovakia. November 1920-1921 secretary, Noscow Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Committee.
Then chairman, Central Committee, All-Russian Miners’ Union. 1920-1921 member, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Labor and Defense Council. Member, All-Russian Central Executive Committee.
Communist Party member from 1901.