Hudson was born and raised in Poughkeepsie, New York to a Michael Marinucci Junior., and Carol Ann Dalrymple.
Hudson was born and raised in Poughkeepsie, New York to a Michael Marinucci Junior., and Carol Ann Dalrymple.
She attended a private Catholic school called Holy Trinity from first grade to third grade, then finished elementary school at Brinkerhoff Elementary. She then attended Van Wyck Junior High, and then John Jay Senior High School where she continued to act on stage, as well as build sets for the productions. She graduated from high school in 2005.
Progressing to motion picture, she then studied acting at Dutchess Community College where she focused her skill in multiple student films.
Hudson made her producer debut in 2013 for such films as Presence, and Resident Evil: Red Falls, which was highly recognized by CAPCOM and the Resident Evil franchise. Mela Hudson originally picked "Nikki Holister" for her stage name because she felt her real name would get her typed-cast. After long thought, she announced via social media that she was permanently changing her name to "Mela Hudson".
Hudson appeared in Deborah Harry"s music video for "Mother" as an 80"s zombie.
Mela appeared in David Cross" film Hits which premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2014. Rather than selling the film rights to distributors, the movie was sold to Bit Torrent through their "bundles" program
According to The Verge, it is the first feature film to be distributed in such a way. Cross also launched a Kickstarter campaign at the same time for the movie"s general release using a pay what you want methodology which would then distribute the movie to more theatres.
In October of 2014, Hudson announced that she was creating her first animation film, Tomboy.
She had written it as a short story at first, but then soon after decided to adapt it to screen. The film is currently in pre-production, and will hit the festival circuit once completed. In September of 2013 Mela started volunteering her time annually with the Toys for Tots Foundation, as well as Guns and Hoses, a local organization created in honoring policemen and firefighters who lost their lives in 9/11.
In an interview she said, "These things have always been important to me in my life.
lieutenant is important that we use our position to do good in the world." Some of Hudson"s charities include those devoted to fighting hunger, domestic violence, and suicide prevention.