Visco, Vincenzo was born on March 18, 1942 in Foggia.
Visco, Vincenzo was born on March 18, 1942 in Foggia.
Degree in Jurisprudence. Specializing in Economics at the University of Berkely. USA and York, G.B.
Member Chamber of Deputies, Rome, 1983, member Lower House finance and treasury commission, 1983, vice president finance commission, member steering committee for Indiana Left, 1987. Appointed shadow finance minister Indiana Left, 1991. Senator with Democratic Party of the Left Chamber of Deputies, 1992.
Minister finance Government of Italy, 1993, 1996—2002. Vice president finance and treasury commission, member Democratic Party of the Left steering committee Senate, Italy. Head of treasury and finance, political coordination bureau Democratic Party of the Left, Italy.
Lecturer Pisa University, 1983. Professor Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, Rome.
member Sinistra Independente (Independent Left) parlm. group
Married; 2 children.