Wuchenich, Allen Samuel was born on July 14, 1939 in Baltimore. Son of D. Michael and Julianne (Lovrensky) Wuchenich.
Wuchenich, Allen Samuel was born on July 14, 1939 in Baltimore. Son of D. Michael and Julianne (Lovrensky) Wuchenich.
Bachelor, Allegheny College, 1961. Bachelor of Laws, Dickinson School Law, 1964. Postgraduate, Harvard University, 1985.
Associate White, Jones & Gregg, Pittsburgh, 1964-1972. Attorney Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1972-1977, chief counsel, 1977-1980, assistant general counsel, 1980-1984, associate general counsel, since 1984.
Counsel, Borough of Whitehall Home Rule Commission, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1973. Treasurer, Allegheny County area Boy Scouts American, 1980-1988. Member American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Allegheny County Bar Association, Association Corporation Patent Counsel, Intellectual Property Organization (board directors), Pacific Industrial Property Association, South Hills Country Club.
Married Mina Jean Bancroft, August 8, 1964. Children: Jeffrey, Thomas.