Ganesan, Ann Katharine was born on July 25, 1933 in Denver, Colorado, United States. Daughter of Philip Lewis and Katharine (Montgomery) Cook.
researcher molecular biologist
Ganesan, Ann Katharine was born on July 25, 1933 in Denver, Colorado, United States. Daughter of Philip Lewis and Katharine (Montgomery) Cook.
Bachelor, Wilson College, 1954; Master of Science, University of Wisconsin, 1959; Doctor of Philosophy, Stanford University, 1961.
Research associate, Stanford (California) U., 1972-1975; senior research associate, Stanford (California) U., 1975-1991; senior research science, since 1991. Member radiation study section National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland., 1986-1990.
Member Genetics Society of America, American Society Microbiology.
Married A.T. Ganesan, August 3, 1963.