Troge, Ann Marie was born on February 9, 1963 in Charles City, Iowa, United States. Daughter of Jack L. and Jean M. Troge.
Troge, Ann Marie was born on February 9, 1963 in Charles City, Iowa, United States. Daughter of Jack L. and Jean M. Troge.
Bachelor in Teaching, University Northern Iowa, 1985. Juris Doctor, Drake University, 1992.
Associate Sutton Law Office, Charles City, 1992-1993. Partner Sutton & Troge Law Office, 1994-1998. Magistrate Floyd County, since 1994.
Private practice, since 1999. Adjunct instructor North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, Iowa, since 1997.
Past vice president City Improvement Association, Charles City. Past board directors Stony Point Players, Charles City, Arts Council. Member Iowa State Bar, Iowa Trial Lawyers Association, Iowa State Bar Review School, Inc.
(family and juvenile law committee since 1997), Rotary (former board directors).