Anthony-Claret is the son of Bertrand and Margaret Onwutalobi.
academician Businessman entrepreneur software engineer educational consultant
Anthony-Claret is the son of Bertrand and Margaret Onwutalobi.
Diploma in Latin, Pontificia University, Urbaniana, Rome, 1996. Bachelor of Science in Computer, University Wollongong Australia, 2006. Master of Science in Distributed Systems & Data Communications, University Helsinki, Finland, 2009.
Business development executive INTI University College, Kuching, 2006—2007, education counsellor, since 2007. Managing director Codewit Global Network, Helsinki, since 2008.
Community organizer St Andrew Church, Azia, Nigeria, 1997—1998. Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Codewit Global Network (president 2008-2009), Toast Masters International, International Students Association 2004-2005, African Students Association (chairman 2004-2005, WAD Award 2005 & Best President Award 2006 2005, 2006, Best Service award 2004).