Mahowald, Anthony Peter was born on November 24, 1932 in Albany, Minnesota, United States. Son of Aloys and Cecilia (Maus) Mahowald.
educator geneticist developmental biologist
Mahowald, Anthony Peter was born on November 24, 1932 in Albany, Minnesota, United States. Son of Aloys and Cecilia (Maus) Mahowald.
Bachelor of Science, Spring Hill College, 1958; Doctor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 1962.
Assistant professor, Marquette U., Milwaukee, 1966-1970; assistant staff member, Institute Cancer Research, Philadelphia, 1970-1972; associate professor, Indiana U., Bloomington, 1972-1976; professor, Indiana U., Bloomington, 1976-1982; Henry Willson Payne professor, Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, 1982-1990; department chairman anatomy, Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, 1982-1988; department chairman genetics, Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, 1988-1990; Louis Block professor, chairman department molecular genetics and cell biology, University of Chicago, since 1990. Chairman Committee Development Biology University of Chicago, since 1991.
Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Academy Arts and Sciences, Society Scholars Johns Hopkins University. Member National Academy of Sciences, Genetics Society of America (secretary 1986-1988), Society Development Biology (president 1989, editor-in-chief journal 1980-1985), American Society Cell Biology (council member 1996-1998).
Married Mary Lou Briody, April 11, 1971. Children: Maureen, Lisa, Michael.