Burns, B. Darren was born on March 8, 1964 in Baltimore. Son of Bruce C. and Barbara (Merson) Burns.
Burns, B. Darren was born on March 8, 1964 in Baltimore. Son of Bruce C. and Barbara (Merson) Burns.
Bachelor in English, Hampden Sydney College, 1986. Juris Doctor, College William & Mary, 1990.
Law clerk Circuit Court Anne Arundel County, Maryland, 1990-1991. Associate attorney Shapiro and Olander, Baltimore, Annapolis, 1992-1994. Staff attorney Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Annapolis, 1994—2001.
Attorney Reese & Carney, LLP, since 2001.
Class agent Severn School, Severna Park, Maryland, since 1983. Member Maryland State Bar Association, Maryland School Board Attorneys Association, Education Law Association, Anne Arundel Bar Association, Annapolis Touchdown Club (president 1999-2000).
Married Jennifer Duffy, July 2, 1994. Children: Callie Elizabeth, Duffy Patrick.