Bower, Bruce Lester was born on September 16, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Mervin Hartman and Josephine (Lester) Bower.
Bower, Bruce Lester was born on September 16, 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Son of Mervin Hartman and Josephine (Lester) Bower.
University of Illinois (Bachelor of Arts, 1955). University of Michigan (Juris Doctor, with distinction, 1960). Member, University of Michigan Law Review, 1959-1960.
Working as a partner of WINSTON & STRAWN. Admitted to the bar, 1960, Illinois.
Bar: Illinois 1960.
Member President's Commission on White House Fellowships, since 1981. Trustee Episcopal Home for Aged, Chicago, 1978-1985, Episcopal Charities, Chicago, since 1987. Member Chicago Crime Commission, since 1980.
Board directors Central Young Men’s Christian Association College, Chicago, 1965-1982. Served to 1st lieutenant infantry United States Army, 1955-1957. Member American Bar Association, Illinois Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association, 7th Circuit Bar Association Clubs: Glen View (Golf, Illinois).
University; Law (Chicago).
Married Irene Kitsonas, October 16, 1960. Children: Rebecca, Elizabeth, Katherine.