Minsky, Bruce William was born on September 28, 1963 in Queens, New York, United States.
Minsky, Bruce William was born on September 28, 1963 in Queens, New York, United States.
Bachelor in Political Science, Boston University, 1985. Juris Doctor, Southwestern University, 1988. Master of Laws in American Banking, Boston University, 1989.
Associate, Quirk & Bakalor, New York City, 1989-1991; house counsel, vice president, Banco Popular North America, New York City, since 1991; house counsel, vice president, Banco Poplur N. American, 1999.
Attorney Monday Night Law Pro Bono Superior vena cava syndrome, New York City. Member Association of Bar of City of New York (member young lawyers committee 1993-1995).
Married Jill R. Heinter, May 1992. Children: Aryeh Hanan, Elisheva Yael, Calev Betzalel, Refael Akiva.