RAMUS, Carl was born on October 1, 1872 in Chicago, 111. Son of Charles Emil and Sybla (Faulds) Ramus.
RAMUS, Carl was born on October 1, 1872 in Chicago, 111. Son of Charles Emil and Sybla (Faulds) Ramus.
Rush Medical College, Doctor of Medicine, 1897.
Commissioned, Assistant Surgeon, United States Public Health Service, 1899, Passed Assistant Surgeon, 1904, Surgeon, 1912. Chief Quarantine Officer, Hawaiian Isles, 1909-1912. Medical Attache American Consulate, Naples, Italy, 1916-1920.
Chief Medical Officer, American Red Cross, Naples, Italy, 1917-1919. Decorated by Italian Government, for War Service, 1918. Medical Officer in Charge Marine Hospital., Evansville, Indiana., 1922-1928.
Executive Officer, United States Marine Hospital., Ellis Island New York, 29. Medical Officer in Charge United States Immigration Station, Boston, since 1929.
Member: American Medical Association. Association Military Surgeons of United States.
Spouse Anna Tucker, September 27, 1912, Chicago.