Seeliger, Carl Henry was born on August 19, 1929 in Denver, Colorado, United States. Son of Carl Henry and Dorothy Susan (Duffes) Seeliger.
Seeliger, Carl Henry was born on August 19, 1929 in Denver, Colorado, United States. Son of Carl Henry and Dorothy Susan (Duffes) Seeliger.
Bachelor of Arts, University Colorado, 1952, Bachelor of Laws, 1955.
Bar: Colorado 1955, United States Court Appeals (10th circuit) 1959, United States District Court Colorado 1960, Supreme Court of the United States Court 1973. Sole practice, Denver, 1956-1983. Partner Hughes & Dorsey, Denver, 1983-1997.
Member American Bar Association, Colorado Bar Association, Denver Bar Association Delta Phi. Clubs: Denver, Columbine Country. Died January 15, 1997.
Married Mary Lou Aufderheide, August 18, 1951. Children: Carla Lynn, Mary Elizabeth.