Dimmick, Carolyn Reaber was born on October 24, 1929 in Seattle, Washington, United States. Daughter of Maurice C. and Margaret T. (Taylor) Reaber.
Dimmick, Carolyn Reaber was born on October 24, 1929 in Seattle, Washington, United States. Daughter of Maurice C. and Margaret T. (Taylor) Reaber.
Bachelor, U. Washington, 1951; Juris Doctor, U. Washington, 1963; Doctor of Laws, Gonzaga U., 1982; Doctor of Laws, CUNY, 1987.
Assistant attorney general State of Washington, Seattle, 1953-1955. Deputy prosecuting attorney King County, 1955-1959, 60-62. Private practice attorney Seattle, 1959-1960, 62-65.
Judge Northeast District Court, King County, 1965-1975, King County Superior Court, 1976-1980. Justice Washington Supreme Court, 1981-1985. Judge United States District Court (western district) Washington, Seattle, 1985—1997, chief judge, 1994-1997, senior judge, since 1997.
Member Judicial Resources Committee, 1987—1994, chairman, 1991—1994. Member Judicial Conference Committee Review Circuit Council Conduct & Disability Orders, 2007—2009, 9th Circuit Space and Security Committee, since 2009.
Member American Bar Association, American Judges Association (governor), National Association Women Judges, World Association Judges, Washington Bar Association, American Judicature Society, Order of Coif (Wash.chpt.).
Married Cyrus Allen Dimmick, September 10, 1955 (deceased 2006). Children: Taylor, Dana.