O'Donnell, Charles W. was born on July 31, 1963 in Greenwich, Connecticut, United States. Son of Edward Francis and Patricia O'D.
O'Donnell, Charles W. was born on July 31, 1963 in Greenwich, Connecticut, United States. Son of Edward Francis and Patricia O'D.
Bachelor, George Washington University, 1988. Juris Doctor, Catholic University America, 1991.
Police officer, Palm Beach County Sheriff' General’ s Office, West Palm Beach, Florida, 1981-1985; law clerk, United States Attorney' General’ s Office, Washington, 1989-1990; judicial law clerk, Fairfax (Virginia) Circuit Court, 1991-1992; judicial law clerk, Court Appeals Virginia, McLean, 1992-1994; associate, Peter M. Sweeney & Associations, Fairfax, 1994-1996; private practice law, McLean, since 1996.
President McLean Hundred Homeowner's Association, since 1996. Member American Bar Association, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Fairfax Bar Association.
Married Nora Ann Garian, June 18, 1988. Children: Connor, Nicole.