Sek, Danuta was born on December 8, 1935 in Katowice, Poland. Daughter of Stanis|aw and Stanis|awa (Nowak) Góral.
Sek, Danuta was born on December 8, 1935 in Katowice, Poland. Daughter of Stanis|aw and Stanis|awa (Nowak) Góral.
Master of Science, Wroclaw Politech. University, 1958; Doctor of Philosophy, Gliwice Politech. University, 1967; Doctor of Science, Gliwice Politech.
University, 1983.
Head laboratory Pharmaceutical Center, Katowice, Poland, 1959-1964. Assistant Politech. University, Gliwice, Poland, 1964-1967. Head laboratory Institute Polymer Chemistry, Zabrze, Poland, 1967-1974, deputy director, 1974-1998, director, 1998—2002, professor, since 1999.
Member New York Academy of Sciences, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.
Married Mieczys|aw Sek, August 25, 1957. 1 child, Christopher.