Browning, David Stuart was born on June 6, 1939 in Amarillo, Texas, United States. Son of Stuart W. and Pauline (Rogers) Browning.
lawyer diversified corporation executive
Browning, David Stuart was born on June 6, 1939 in Amarillo, Texas, United States. Son of Stuart W. and Pauline (Rogers) Browning.
University of Texas (Bachelor of Arts, 1960. Juris Doctor, 1962); Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (Master of Arts, 1964).
Admitted to the bar, 1963, District of Columbia and United States. Supreme Court; 1964, Texas. 1971, New New York
Phi Beta Kappa.
Order of the Coif.
Associate Editor, Texas Law Review, 1961-1962. Associate, Fulbright & Jaworski, Houston, Texas, 1964-1970. Member: Association of the Bar of the City of New New York
New York State and American Bar Associations.
State Bar of Texas; The District of Columbia Bar. American Society of International Law.
American Corporate Counsel Association. (Secretary and General Counsel).
Member American Bar Association, New York Bar Association, Texas Bar Association, Houston Bar Association, Association of Bar of City of New York, American Society International Law, Southwestern Legal Foundation (advisory board), American Society Corporation Secretaries.
Married Judith Helen Jackson, July 31, 1958. 1 son, Mark.