Walsh, Don was born on November 2, 1931 in Berkeley, California, United States. Son of J. Don and Marguerite Grace (Van Auker) Walsh.
(Energy and Sea Power: Challenge for the Decade is a colle...)
Energy and Sea Power: Challenge for the Decade is a collection of essays, which were presented as lectures at the Eighth Annual Pacific Coast Sea Power Forum, held at the U. S. Navy Postgraduate School at Monterey, California, in October 1980, covering the topic of energy and sea power. The book contains papers on world energy availability, its use and economic impact, and on more specialized topic areas such as environmental protection, ship construction for energy efficiency, and the question of renewable ocean energy resources. The text also presents papers on the regulatory and environmental aspects of ocean energy activities; the directions over old sea lanes; and marine transportation needs for U.S. energy supply; energy. The military applications and implications of ocean thermal energy conversion systems; the ocean engineering needs for U.S. energy supply; and the energy-efficient ship design are also considered. The further presents a paper on the shipbuilding needs for support of ocean-energy development.
engineer consultant naval officer university administrator business executive
Walsh, Don was born on November 2, 1931 in Berkeley, California, United States. Son of J. Don and Marguerite Grace (Van Auker) Walsh.
Bachelor of Science, United States Naval Academy, 1954. Master of Science, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1967. Doctor of Philosophy, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, 1968.
Master of Arts, San Diego State University, 1968.
Commissioned ensign United States Navy, 1954, advanced through grades to captain, 1974, officer-in-charge Bathyscaph Trieste Trieste, 1959-1962, Commander in United States Ship Bashaw, 1968-1969. Director Institute Marine and Coastal Studies, professor ocean engineering University Southern California, Los Angeles, 1975-1983. President, Chief Executive Officer International Maritime, Inc., since 1976.
Managing director Deep Ocean Engineering, Inc., 1990—2000, also board directors. Director Center for Marine Transportation Studies, University Southern California, 1980-1983, Coastal Resources Center, 1990-1994. Trustee United States Navy Museum Foundation, since 1989.
Member National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere, 1979-1985. Board governors California Maritime Academy, 1985-1995. President Parker Diving, 1989-1994.
(Energy and Sea Power: Challenge for the Decade is a colle...)
Editor, contributor: Law of the Sea: Issues in Ocean Resource Management, 1977, Energy and Resources Development of Continental Margins, 1980, Energy and Sea Power: Challenge for the Decade, 1981, Waste Disposal in the Oceans: Minimizing Impact, Maximizing Benefits, 1983. Editor Journal Marine Technology Society, 1975-1980. Member editorial board United States Naval Institute, 1974-1975.
Board directors Charles and Anne Lindbergh Foundation, 1996-2005. Fellow Marine Technology Society, Academy Underwater Arts and Sciences, Explorers Club (honorary life, board directors 1994-2000, honorary president since 2008, Explorers Medal, 2001). Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, American Society Naval Engineers, Navy Institute, Adventurers Club (honorary life), American Geography Society (honorary life), National Academy Engineering.
Married Joan A. Betzmer, August 18, 1962. Children: Kelly Drennan, Elizabeth McDonough.