DEWEY, Donald Jefferson was born in 1922 in Solon, Vermont, United States of America.
DEWEY, Donald Jefferson was born in 1922 in Solon, Vermont, United States of America.
Bachelor of Arts University Chicago, 1943. Master of Arts University Iowa, 1947.
Instructor, Indiana University, 1947. Assistant Professor, Association Professor, Duke University, 1950-1957,1958-1960. Association Professor, Columbia University, 1960-1965.
Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York, New York, United States of America, since 1965.
In my life in economics I believe that I have done something to show how racial discrimination ‘really’ operated in American labour markets before 1965. Tied up a few loose ends in mainstream capital theory. Helped to rescue the treatment of monopolistic and/or imperfect competition from the wilderness into which it had been driven by the uncritical disciples of Edward Chamberlin and Joe Bain.
And made a contribution to improving the quality of economic and legal thought applied to the problems of regulation and antitrust. Since first reading Frank Knight and Joseph Schumpeter I have been fascinated
by the interaction between ideas and events in the formation of economic policies but as yet have reached few firm conclusions.