Browne, Donald Roger was born on March 13, 1934 in Detroit, Michigan, United States. Son of A. and L. Browne.
(There has been a marked increase in the numbers and types...)
There has been a marked increase in the numbers and types of electronic media outlets through which ethnic minorities can express themselves. This raises the possibility of increased ethnic minority participation in the public sphere. This book examines the nature of that participation in several European nations as well as North America, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa and selected nations in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The research questions addressed include: What effects to governmental, economic, administrative, and societal structures and factors have on ethnic minority self-presentation through minority-operated radio, television and internet services? In what forms and to what extend does that self-presentation constitute participation in the public sphere? And how do ethnic minority media services identify and interact with the communities they serve?
(Electronic Media and Industrialized Nations considers the...)
Electronic Media and Industrialized Nations considers the approaches that industrialized nations have taken to introduce, develop, control, and use electronic media. Browne compares and contrasts through detailed case studies, the experiences of several nations--France, Germany (both East and West), the Soviet Union and Russia, and the Netherlands--by presenting them in light of the political, economic, cultural, geographical, and demographic factors that both shape and reflect society. He then compares the pros and cons of those experiences, adds specific examples from still other industrialized nations, and proposes an "ideal" system as a way of focusing attention on what the media could and should do to play supportive roles in society. Browne readily acknowledges his own biases. He makes it abundantly clear that he believes those who regulate, administer, produce, and receive have an obligation to understand how the electronic media function and how the media should and can follow standards that will better ensure their responsibility for the development of healthy societies. While the present work is based on Browne's award-winning Comparing Broadcast Systems, it goes much further in terms of its coverage of such subjects as government-media relationships, minorities and the media, uses of the Internet, and the possible influence of "media barons," the European Union, and transnational corporations. Where the two Germanys and the Soviet Union/Russia are concerned, he provides an account of the role of the media before, during, and after both German unification and the collapse of the Soviet Union. He also places greater emphasis on how media portrayal of religion, class, language, ethnicity, and political affiliation provide us with images of the relative health of civil society.
(Mass media have long been credited with the homogenising ...)
Mass media have long been credited with the homogenising of the world. This book contends they also allow for the preservation and dissemination of the languages, traditions, and aspirations of indigenous peoples.
Browne, Donald Roger was born on March 13, 1934 in Detroit, Michigan, United States. Son of A. and L. Browne.
Bachelor, University of Michigan, 1955; Master of Arts, University of Michigan, 1958; Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, 1961.
Correspondent Voice of America, foreign service officer, United States Information Agency, Tunis, Tunisia and Conakry, Guinea, 1960-1963; assistant professor broadcasting, Boston University, 1963-1965; assistant professor speech, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1965-1966; associate professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1966-1970; professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, since 1970; department chair, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1989-1993, 96-99. Fulbright lecturer, Beirut, 1973-1974. Visiting lecturer Lund U., Sweden, spring 1993.
(Electronic Media and Industrialized Nations considers the...)
(Sensory scientists are often faced with making business d...)
(There has been a marked increase in the numbers and types...)
(Mass media have long been credited with the homogenising ...)
(Book by Browne, Donald R)
Member.Civic Orchestra Minneapolis, since 1966. Served with United States Army, 1955-1957. Member Broadcast Education Association, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Institute Communication.
Married Mary Jo Rowell, August 23, 1958. Children: Mary Kathleen, Stuart Roger, Steven Rowell.