George, Earl was born on May 1, 1924 in Milwaukee. Son of Adolph Robert and Eleanore Lilly (Werle) George.
George, Earl was born on May 1, 1924 in Milwaukee. Son of Adolph Robert and Eleanore Lilly (Werle) George.
Bachelor of Music, Eastman School Music, 1946. Master of Music, Eastman School Music, 1947. Phd, Eastman School Music, 1958.
Instructor, Julius Hartt Music Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut, 1948; assistant professor composition, University Texas, Austin, summer 1948; instructor theory and composition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1948-1956; professor, Syracuse (New York) U., 1959-1988; professor emeritus, Syracuse (New York) U., since 1988; music critic, Syracuse Herald-Journal, 1961-1992. Fulbright lecturer U. Oslo, Norway, 1955-1956. Conductor Syracuse University Singers, 1963-1969, Syracuse University Symphony Orchestra, 1971-1980, Syracuse University Summer Orchestra, 1971-1980.
Member American Music Center, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.
Married Margaret Heidner, September 11, 1948. 1 child, Stephen Hubbard.