Woolley, Edward Alexander was born on March 15, 1929 in Brookline, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Paul and Helen (von der Pahlen) Woolley.
Woolley, Edward Alexander was born on March 15, 1929 in Brookline, Massachusetts, United States. Son of Paul and Helen (von der Pahlen) Woolley.
Bachelor, Princeton University, 1951. Juris Doctor, University Pennsylvania, 1954. Postgraduate, University Bonn, 1954—1955.
Postgraduate, Free University Berlin, 1955.
Admitted to the bar, 1955, District of Columbia. 1957, New York; 1958, United States. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit.
1959, United States.
District Courts, Southern and Eastern Districts of New New York 1963, United States. Supreme Court. 1970, United States. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit.
1981, United States.
Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit. Case Editor, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1953-1954. Fulbright Scholar, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 1954-1955.
Free University of Berlin, 1955.
Company-author with A. Leo Levin: "Dispatch and Delay: A Field Study of Judicial Administration in Pennsylvania," Institute of Legal Research, University of Pennsylvania, 1961. Author: "Is a Boycott a Per Se Violation of the Antitrust Laws?" 27 Rutgers Law Review 773, 1974.
"National Administration of the Container Safety Convention," Cargo Systems, December, 1977. Member: The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Member, Trade Regulation Committee, 1976-1979).
New York State and American Bar Associations.
Maritime Law Association of the United States.
Elder Manhattan Christian Reformed Church, New York City, 1964—1966. Trustee Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Stamford, Connecticut, 1975—1981. Deacon Stanwich Congressional Church, Greenwich, 1970—1973, Long Ridge Congressional Church, Stamford, 1982—1985.
Member of American Bar Association, Association Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners, Association Bar City New York, New York State Bar Association.
Married Nancy Jane Kerr, June 20, 1963. Children: Paul, David, Mary Alexandra.