Fadeley, Edward Norman was born on December 13, 1929 in Williamsville, Missouri, United States.
Fadeley, Edward Norman was born on December 13, 1929 in Williamsville, Missouri, United States.
Bachelor of Arts, Univercity Missouri, 1951; Juris Doctor cum laude, U. Oregon, 1957.
Practice law, Eugene, Oregon, 1957-1988. Member Oregon House of Representatives, 1961-1963, Oregon Senate, 1963-1987, president, 1983-1985. Justice Oregon Supreme Court, 1989-1998.
Retired, 1998
Member judicial working group International Water Tribunal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1991-1995. Invitee Rio Conference, 1992, Indigenous Peoples of World Conference, New Zealand, 1993. Adjunct professor law University Oregon.
Formerly general councils, board officer for research corporation, finance institution. Founder, director World Wide Hollis International Law Center, since 2001.
Advisor, counsellor to President Clinton, others. Chairman Oregon Democratic party,1966-1968. Chairman law and justice committee National Conference Legislators, 1977-1978;advising committee to State and Local Law Center, Washington.
Participants com.Washington Public Power Supply System, 1984-1988. Candidate for nomination for government, 1986. Board directors Wayne Morse History Park.
Lieutenant United States Naval Reserve, 1951-1954. Member American Bar Association (international law, public utility law), Oregon State Bar Association (chairman uniform laws committee 1962-1964), Order of Coif, Alpha Pi Zeta, Phi Alpha Delta.
Married Nancie Peacocke, June 11, 1953. Children: Charles, Shira. Married Darian Cyr, September 12, 1992.