Woods, Eleanor C. was born on October 30, 1939 in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. Daughter of Richard and Anna Marie (Feldtmose) Cunliffe.
Woods, Eleanor C. was born on October 30, 1939 in Stamford, Connecticut, United States. Daughter of Richard and Anna Marie (Feldtmose) Cunliffe.
Bachelor, Smith College, 1961; Master of Arts in Teaching, Yale University, 1962.
String teacher, music teacher Kariat Junior High School, Spring Valley, New York, 1962-1965. Musich teacher Flint Hill School, Fairfax, Virginia, 1966-1968. Violin teacher American University Prep, Washington, 1972.
Private instructor, since 1972. Violin teacher National Cathedral School, St. Albans, since 1988. Chairman Washington International Competition, since 2001.
Member Maryland. State Music Teachers Association (chairman, judge of competitions since 1976), Washington Music Teachers Association (judge of competitions since 1976), Suzuki Association American, Suzuki Association Greater Washington Area. F C.
Married David R. Woods, August 18, 1962. Children: Richard, Laurie.