Ginsberg, Eugene Stanley was born in 1929 in Brooklyn.
Ginsberg, Eugene Stanley was born in 1929 in Brooklyn.
Bachelor of Business Administration, City College of New York, 1951. Juris Doctor, New York University, 1954.
Partner Krainin & Ginsberg, New York City, 1958-1962. Sole practice Brooklyn and Mineola, 1962-1970. Partner Jaspan, Ginsberg, Schlesinger & Hoffman (and predecessor firms), Garden City, 1970-1996.
Private practice New York, since 1996. Arbitrator Nassau County District Court, since 1980. Member national panel commercial arbitrators American Arbitration Association, since 1966, national labor panel, since 1991.
Arbitrator Better Business Bureau, 1982-1986, among others. Mediator Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, United States District Court, etc.
With United States Army, 1953-1955. Fellow College Commercial Arbitrators, New York Bar Foundation, College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Member American Bar Association (co-chairman subcommittee on professional responsibility in labor arbitration 1977-1983, subcommittee on publication of labor arbitration awards 1984-1986, historian since 1994, ADR in labor and employment law committee, formerly labor arbitration and law of collective bargaining agreements committee, since 1975, labor and employment section, arbitration and mediation committee, dispute resolution section, since 2008, ARB Committee, Medical Committee, Liasion to Labor and Employment section), New York State Bar Association (ADR committee 1993—2008, labor and employment law section, executive committee 1996-1904, ADR committee co-chairman 2001-2004), Nassau County Bar Association (labor and employment law committee, since 1973, chairman 1993-1995, ADR committee since 1973, chairman 1985-1987, grievance committee 1983-1988, board directors 1997-1900, membership committee since 2003).