Alford, Fletcher Carlton was born on April 23, 1963 in Redding, California, United States. Son of Louis H. and Sharlee E. Alford.
Alford, Fletcher Carlton was born on April 23, 1963 in Redding, California, United States. Son of Louis H. and Sharlee E. Alford.
Bachelor magna cum laude, University Puget Sound, 1985. Juris Doctor magna cum laude, University California, Hastings, 1989.
Law clerk, United States District Court, Savannah, Georgia, 1989-1990; associate, Gordon & Rees, San Francisco, since 1990.
Member Bar Association San Francisco, Federalists Society, Barristers Club San Francisco, Thurston Society, Phi Kappa Phi.
Married Valerie R. Rodrigues, September 3, 1983. Children: Fletcher C. Junior, Zachary L.