Sharpe, Francis Robert was born on January 23, 1870 in Warrington, England. Son of Alfred and Mary (Webb) Sharpe.
Sharpe, Francis Robert was born on January 23, 1870 in Warrington, England. Son of Alfred and Mary (Webb) Sharpe.
Bachelor of Arts, Cambridge University, 1892. Manchester University, 1900-1901. Doctor of Philosophy, Cornell Univercity, 1907.
Instructor mathematics, 1905-1910, assistant professor, 1910-1919, professor, 1919-1938, emeritus professor since 1938, Cornell Univercity Naturalized citizen of the United States, 1910.
Member American Mathematics Society, Sigma Xi.
Married Jeannette Welch, September 1900. Children: Elfreda J., Frances M., Edith J. Lecturer in mathematics, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.