Stokes, Frederick Abbot was born on November 4, 1857 in Brooklyn, New York, United States. Son of Frederick Abbot and Caroline Augusta (Allen) Stokes.
Stokes, Frederick Abbot was born on November 4, 1857 in Brooklyn, New York, United States. Son of Frederick Abbot and Caroline Augusta (Allen) Stokes.
Bachelor of Arts, Yale, 1879.
Stokes was a graduate of Yale Law School. He had previously worked for Dodd, Mead and Company and then briefly had partnerships with others before founding his company in 1890. Stokes published established writers such as Francis Hodgson Burnett, Frank Buck, and Stephen Crane.
He also published beginning writers such as James Branch Cabell, Maria Montessori, and Percival Wren.
Best sellers included: The Story of Ferdinand, On Jungle Trails, Doctor Dolittle, When Worlds Collide, Guys and Dolls, and The Story of Little Black Sambo. Stokes was an opponent of the new Book Clubs of the 1920s, as well as modern advertising methods, such as billboards and radio ads.
Stokes was bought out by J. B. Lippincott in 1943. " names are followed by their known dates of association with Stokes.
Joseph M. Gleeson, ca.
1893 George Alfred Williams. 1905–1926.
Married Ellen R. Colby, May 10, 1883. Children: Frederick Colby (deceased), Horace Winston, Frederick Brett.