Jacobson, Gary Charles was born on July 7, 1944 in Orange, California, United States. Son of Charles William and Ruth Hope (Brown) Jacobson.
(Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, Logic ho...)
Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, Logic hooks students with great storytelling while arming them with a "toolkit" of institutional design concepts-command, veto, agenda control, voting rules, and delegation. Students are exposed to real political science in the introductory course and learn to recognize a rationale for how the American political system was designed and why it works the way it does. More than 100 tables, figures, and maps offer visual context to an array of political data and analysis, while over 200 carefully chosen photographs enhance the book's examples and insights. Bolded key terms, a glossary, annotated reading lists, review questions, and a companion website help students read, think, and study.
(After observing the strains of intense partisanship and d...)
After observing the strains of intense partisanship and divided government, many Americans are wondering what logic, if any, can be found in politics. The new Sixth Edition of The Logic of American Politics reaffirms this best-seller's place as the most accessible "smart" book on the market. Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, the book hooks students with great storytelling while arming them with a "toolkit" of institutional design concepts-command, veto, agenda control, voting rules, delegation.
( Brought completely up-to-date with the latest data fro...)
Brought completely up-to-date with the latest data from the National Election Study and the Federal Election Commission, and including coverage and analysis of the dramatic 2006 midterm elections, this seminal work continues to offer a systematic account of what goes on in congressional elections and demonstrates how electoral politics reflect and shape other components of the political system, with profound consequences for representative government. The Seventh Edition of this work – one of the Longman Classics in Political Science – provides completely up-to-date coverage of congressional election politics, broadly understood. Jacobson analyzes how congressional campaigns and elections reflect deeper structural patterns and currents in American political life and help determine how – and how well – we are governed. The book traces the connections between electoral politics in Congress and other important political phenomena and makes questions of representation and responsibility its chief normative concern.
( Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congression...)
Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congressional Elections has been brought completely up-to-date with the latest data from the National Election Study and the Federal Election Commission. It now includes coverage and analysis of the 2008 and 2010 elections and continues to make connections to broader themes and fundamental questions about representation and responsibility. This seminal work continues to offer a systematic account of what goes on in congressional elections and demonstrates how electoral politics reflect and shape other components of the political system, with profound consequences for representative government.
(Written by one of the most respected scholars and writers...)
Written by one of the most respected scholars and writers in political science, Gary Jacobson, this book uses data to show that the partisan polarization in America today is part of a decades-long trend, and analyzes the reasons why the public is even more divided than ever along party lines about George W. Bush.
(" This lucid, richly documented analysis is required read...)
" This lucid, richly documented analysis is required reading for students of the George W. Bush presidency and American politics more generally." -- Fred I. Greenstein, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Princeton University, and author of The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to George W. Bush. "In this important, accessible, and thoroughly engaging book, Jacobson brilliantly dissects the extraordinary partisan polarization of the Bush era. He combines a lively narrative with remarkable data analysis--drawing together findings from literally thousands of polls, in more than seventy illuminating figures, many of which knock your socks off...The book is a must-read for anyone seriously concerned about the political process in the United States." - Paul J. Quirk, Professor and Phil Lind Chair in U.S. Politics and Representation, University of British Columbia "!Head and shoulders above other books on the presidency of George W. Bush.Jacobson's carefully documented analysis, backed up by extensive reporting and data, demonstrates the purposefulness of the polarizing strategies of the Bush administration, and the reality behind the rhetoric of "I'm a uniter not a divider. " Unlike most books about Bush, Jacobson's is neither ideological nor polemical." -Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post political reporter and author of Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics (with Mary D. Edsall), The New Politics of Inequality, and Red America: The Conservative Coalition and the Drive for Permanent Power, (forthcoming, Basic Books.) "This is an important book. Jacobson marshals evidence and analyzes the dynamics of public opinion to explain why George W. Bush is the most polarizing president in the history of systematic polling. His analysis is incisive and balanced." -James P. Pfiffner, George Mason University "A masterful analysis and a major contribution. Applying over a half century of poll data, Jacobson places George W. Bush's presidency and the war in Iraq in broad historical context and derives insights that intrigue and impress."-John Mueller, Professor of political science and Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Ohio State University and author of War, Presidents and Public Opinion, Policy and Opinion in the Gulf War, and The Remnants of War.
(After observing the strains of intense partisanship and d...)
After observing the strains of intense partisanship and divided government, many Americans are wondering what logic, if any, can be found in politics. The new Sixth Edition of The Logic of American Politics reaffirms this best-seller's place as the most accessible "smart" book on the market. Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, the book hooks students with great storytelling while arming them with a "toolkit" of institutional design concepts-command, veto, agenda control, voting rules, delegation.
( Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congression...)
Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congressional Elections has been brought completely up-to-date with the latest data from the National Election Study and the Federal Election Commission. It now includes coverage and analysis of the 2008 and 2010 elections and continues to make connections to broader themes and fundamental questions about representation and responsibility. This seminal work continues to offer a systematic account of what goes on in congressional elections and demonstrates how electoral politics reflect and shape other components of the political system, with profound consequences for representative government.
(Is divided government - a Republican president and a Demo...)
Is divided government - a Republican president and a Democratic congress - the product of diminished competition for seats in the U.S. House of Representatives? In this study the author uses a detailed analysis of the evolution of competition in postwar House elections to argue that the problems Republicans face in seeking House seats are political rather than structural.
( The American people and their government are deeply at ...)
The American people and their government are deeply at odds over how best to overcome the obstacles currently facing the country. After observing the strains of intense partisanship and divided government, your students are probably asking what logic, if any, can be found in politics. The new fifth edition of Logic reaffirms this best-seller's place as the most accessible smart book on the market. Weaving together historical context, current politics, and analytic concepts, Logic builds students understanding of political institutions and practices as imperfect solutions to collective action problems. Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, Logic hooks students with great storytelling while arming them with a toolkit of institutional design concepts command, veto, agenda control, voting rules, delegation. Walking students through examples of how each concept works, the authors also highlight passages that apply collective action themes so students cannot miss key points. Up-to-date in its coverage of such hot-button issues as health care and financial reform, the midterm elections, racial profiling and immigration, this fifth edition also pays special attention to political polarization. Throughout the book, the authors consistently return to the country's divide among constituents and in government as they guide students through the fundamentals of American politics. More than 100 tables, figures, and maps offer visual context to an array of political data and analysis, while over 230 carefully chosen photographs enhance the book s examples and insights. Bolded key terms, a glossary, annotated reading lists, review questions, and a companion website help students read, think, and study.
( ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor...)
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. --
Jacobson, Gary Charles was born on July 7, 1944 in Orange, California, United States. Son of Charles William and Ruth Hope (Brown) Jacobson.
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Stanford University, 1966. Master of Philisophy, Yale University, 1969, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, 1972. From instructor to associate professor Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1970-1979.
From associate professor to professor political science University of California-San Diego, since 1979.
Woodrow Wilson fellow, 1969. National Science Foundation grantee, 1980-1982.
From 1970 to 1979 he taught at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. He has also taught at the University of California, Riverside (1968), Yale University (1973) and Stanford University (1986-1987). During 1990-1991 he was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
He has served on the Board of Overseers of American National Election Studies (1985-1993), the Council of the American Political Science Association (APSA) (1993-1994), the APSA’s Committee on Research Support, and as Treasurer of the APSA (1996-1997).
He is recognized as one of the premier scholars in the study of Congressional Campaigns and Election, publishing numerous books and articles on the subject. He is also a frequent commentator for news programs and radio commentary such as National Public Radio.
( Brought completely up-to-date with the latest data fro...)
(Written by one of the most respected scholars and writers...)
(Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, Logic ho...)
( Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congression...)
( Updated in its 8th edition, The Politics of Congression...)
(After observing the strains of intense partisanship and d...)
(After observing the strains of intense partisanship and d...)
(Is divided government - a Republican president and a Demo...)
( The American people and their government are deeply at ...)
( ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor...)
(" This lucid, richly documented analysis is required read...)
Member American Academy Arts and Sciences, American Political Science Association (Gladys E. Kammerer award 1981), Western Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Southern Political Science Association.
Married Martha Ellen Blake, June 2, 1979.