Chou, George Kechung or George K Chou was born on May 14, 1944 in FuJien, China.
architect urban planner business owner civil engineer elder,
Chou, George Kechung or George K Chou was born on May 14, 1944 in FuJien, China.
Master of Architecture, the University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA), 1989.
BS and MS, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. China, 1968 and 1970.
"Earthquake Building Design" and "Wind Engineering" training sessions, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Senior designer C. F. Braun, Alhambra, California.
Senior urban planner Council for Economic Corporation and Development, Taipei, 1970—1976.
Contract project engineer Combined Logistics Commissioned, 1976—1978.
Chief engineer Fortune Construction Company, 1978—1983.
President Prosperity Consultant & Engineering Company, Diamond Bar, California, 1983—1996.
Adjunct associate professor at Northrop University, Los Angeles, 1984—1992.
Vice president of Home Times Group, San Marino, 1992—1996.
Advisor Sinotech Engineering Consultant, Ltd., 1996—1998.
Architect, engineer, planner, business owner Prosperity Consultant Group, Diamond Bar, since 1998.
George Kechung Chou has been listed as a notable
-Member of Presidential Commission - National Republican Congressional Committee(NRCC)
-Presidential Advisory Committee Member-Republican National Committee
-Commission Member, Eisenhower Commission-Republican National Committee(RNC)(Whitehouse)
-Commission Member, Reagan Congressional Commission(NRCC)
-Member, National Republican Senatorial Committee(NRSC)
-Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council/National Republican Congressional Committee from California
-Member of Presidential Business Commission/The Chairman and Executive Committee - (NRCC)
-Honorary Chairman-House Republican Trust
-NRCC-Honorary Chairman-House Majority Trust-NRCC
-President's Club member, Charter member, Honor Life Member, Republican National Committee
-Founding Member – The Presidential Business Task Force-
Member, TradeRoots Coalition-work on free trade agreements (FTAs), US Chamber of Commerce-Growing Prosperity in America and the World
-Standing Committee Member, Honorary Board Member-America and China Marketing Promotion Association-Committee member
-19th KMT party represents
-Member of the Branch Review Committee, Committee member, KMT US Southwest Branch
-KMT LA East/Inland Division Secretory, General Committee member
-Co-Chairman, Southern California 60 years celebration of People’s Republic of China
-Honorary Advisor, Southern California 98 Years celebration of Republic of China
-Adjunct Associate Professor, Northrop University, USA
-Elder, Chairman of Deacon Committee, Chinatown Church of Christ
-Founding Deacon and Family of United Chinese Christian Church in Hacienda Hts(Now also call Great Commission International)
-Vice President, Bell Memorial United Methodist Church, LA
-Consultant, Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd, Taiwan, ROC
-Senior Planner, Urban Development Department/Council for International Economic Corporations and Development(CIECD) and Economic Planning Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC
-National Leadership Award
-Congressional Medal of Distinction Award
-Jury member, UCLA Outstanding Student Awards, University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA),
-Dean's Circle, School of Art and Architecture, University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA)
-Consultant of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Committee of the National Newspaper
-Honored Member of the Heritage Registry of Who's Who 2005-2008 Edition
-Honored Member of the Strathmore's Who's Who 2006-2008 Edition
-Lifetime achiever 2017 (Marquis Who's Who in the World)
Director Association for Chinese Education, Los Angeles. Honorary chairman Business Advisory Council, National Republican Congressional Committee, Washington, since 2004. Member presidential business commission NRCC, chairman executive committee, honorary chairman house representative trust, honorary chairman house majority trust.
Founding member Presidential Business Task Force. Charter member National Republican Committee. Vice chairman of trustee board Bell Memorial United Methodist Church, Rowland Heights, California.
Founding member United Chinese Christian Church in Hacienda Heights, 1979—1982. Member of American Institute of Architects, Doctor Ying-Jeou Ma's Friends Association (president), Chinese Nationalist Party Los Angeles East Inland Division, Trade Roots Coalition, Eisenhower Commission National Republican Committee (commission member), American and China Marketing Promotion Association (member standing committee, honorary board directors, standing committee member), National Association General Contractors, American Planning Association, National Association Professional Engineers, American Society Engineering Education, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee (National Leadership award).
Married Sanli K. Kao, August 9, 1975.