Belvis, Glen P. was born on October 26, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
Belvis, Glen P. was born on October 26, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
University of Notre Dame (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, 1980). De Paul University (Juris Doctor, with honors, 1985). Editor. De Paul Law Review, 1985.
Associate Editor, Licensing Law and Business Report, Volumes
Worked at Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, A Professional Corporation. Admitted to the bar, 1985, Illinois. Registered to practice before United States.
Patent and Trademark Office.
Editor, De Paul Law Review, 1985. Associate Editor, Licensing Law and Business Report, Volumes
9-11. Author: "Computer Copyright and Tying Agreements: An Argument for the Abandonment of the Presumptions of Market Power," 28 Boston College Law Review 265, 1987.
Member: American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Litigation. Antitrust; Intellectual Property).
Chicago and American (Member, Sections on: Litigation. Antitrust; Intellectual Property) Bar Associations.