Gloria Fuertes was born on July 28, 1918, in Madrid, Spain. Her mother was a seamstress and maid; her father, a beadle.
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes in youth
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes at work
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes at work
Gloria Fuertes
Gloria Fuertes in youth
(An excellent introduction to poetry for children, the ver...)
An excellent introduction to poetry for children, the verses in this board book are filled with curious, eccentric, and entertaining animal characters that will delight young readers.
Gloria Fuertes was born on July 28, 1918, in Madrid, Spain. Her mother was a seamstress and maid; her father, a beadle.
Gloria attended the Institute of Vocational Education of Women, where she studied Shorthand, Typing and Childcare. She also studied library science and English at the International Institute from 1955 to 1960.
Gloria's interest in writing started at the early age of five, when she began writing and illustrating stories, but she never got the support of her family, specially of her mother, who reprimanded her, if she saw her reading a book. Nevertheless she published her first poem at age fourteen and at seventeen shaped her first book of poems, Ignored Island. In 1934 she started working as an accountant and secretary, jobs that for a long time she combined with writing stories for children, plays and, increasingly, poetry.
From 1936 to 1939 she lived in Madrid suffering the Civil War under extreme hard conditions, and this experience was definitive for the rest of her life. Great pacifist, the rejection of any kind of violence, specially war, appears often in her verses.
After the war Gloria continued working and writing and although she always defined herself as "self-taught and poetically deschooling" she joined Postismo, a literary poetical group where she collaborated with the poet Carlos Edmundo de Ory. Meanwhile, in the 40's, she combined jobs in offices with writing in children's magazine, where she achieved a great popularity. She continued writing some plays and poems for adults as well.
In 1951 she formed a group of women poets called "Verses in Skirts" and they did public readings of their verses in cafes around Madrid and taking the poetry to the streets.
For 15 years, and starting in 1953, she mantained a relationship with the hispanist Phyllis Turnbull; thanks to her she got a scholarship to teach Spanish in the United States where she spent three years.
At the beginning of the 70's she received a scholarship from Juan March Foundation to work in children's literature, and in the middle of the decade she got success with various child TVE programs and she defenitely became the poet for children. During these years the activity of Gloria related to children was continuos: poetry, reading, concerts. Heavy smoker, she died of lung cancer in 1998. She left her fortune to a Catholic orphanage.
(An excellent introduction to poetry for children, the ver...)
In her works Fuertes reclaimed the right of women, starting with the right to read, write, work or being a poet in a historical moment when they were confined to the domestic sphere. She also called into question traditional female roles during the Spanish dictatorship under General Franco, and presented instead a new model of woman. Apart from fighting for gender equality, Fuertes was also an activist for environmental causes and a pacifist that publicly opposed the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia, as she opposed the Spanish Civil War in 1936.
Gloria was an independent and very active woman, which defined herself as "solitary, religeous, lesbian, romantic, single, feminist, pacifist, genuine, poet and heavy smoker."