Walters, Gomer Winston was born on September 24, 1937 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Philip Thomas and Margaret Elizabeth (Peat) Walters.
Walters, Gomer Winston was born on September 24, 1937 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Philip Thomas and Margaret Elizabeth (Peat) Walters.
Yale University (Bachelor of Engineering George Washington University (Juris Doctor, with honors, 1965). Order of the Coif; Phi Delta Phi.
Patent Editor, George Washington Law Review, 1965.
Bar: Illinois 1965, Pennsylvania 1972, United States District Court (northern district) Illinois 1965, United States District Court (western district) Pennsylvania 1972, United States District Court (northern district) Ohio 1973, United States Court Appeals (3 and 7th circuits) 1981, Supreme Court of the United States Court 1982, United States Court Appeals (federal circuit) 1982. Association Kirkland & Ellis, Chicago, 1965-1970, partner, 1970-1972. Patent attorney Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, 1972-1973.
Associate Walsh, Case & Coale, Chicago, 1973-1974, Lee & Smith, Chicago, 1975.
Partner Haight & Hofeldt, Chicago, 1975-1990, Wood, Phillips, Van Santen, Clark & Mortimer, Chicago, 1990-1995. Private practice, Chicago, Ligonier, Pennsylvania, 1995.
Director R2 Corporation, 1981-1984, Vast Research Company, 1981-1987. Chairman"s council Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, 1987, trustee, 1996.
Director, treasurer Primitive ArtsSoc. of Chicago, 1991-1996.
Member American Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association, American Intellectual Property Law Association, Intellectual Property Law Association, University. Club Chicago, The Tower.
Married Jean Mary Jester, June 13, 1964 (divorced1988). Children: Bruce Joseph, Matthew Howel, Melinda Jean.