Greenleaf, Gracemary Booth was born on August 24, 1939 in Mineola, New York, United States. Daughter of John Edwards and Katherine (Keeler) Booth.
Greenleaf, Gracemary Booth was born on August 24, 1939 in Mineola, New York, United States. Daughter of John Edwards and Katherine (Keeler) Booth.
AB, Bryn Mawr College, 1961. Juris Doctor, Fordham University, 1967.
Associate Harry Lipsig, esq., New York City, 1967-1968. Administrator personal trust officer Chase Manhattan Bank, 1971. Personal trust officer United Bank of Denver, 1972-1981, associate counsel, 1981-1984.
Principal Personal Transitions Counselling, Littleton, Colorado, 1986-1988. Registered representative John Hancock, 1988. Presenter seminars Personal Transitions Seminars Company, Aurora, Colorado, 1986.
Lecturer law University Denver Law School, 1986.
Board directors, trustee Patten Institute for Arts, Denver, 1981-1984, 89—, Animal Assistance Association, Denver, since 1978. Trustee, secretary, treasurer Colorado Episcopalian Foundation, Denver, since 1986. Vestry member St. Gregory's Episcopalian Church, Littleton, Colorado, 1983-1987, Stephens Minister, since 1987.
Member Colorado Bar Association Clubs: Colorado Mountain (Denver) (councillor 1981-1984).
Married Henry D. James, August 8, 1970 (divorced 1978). Married Emile Edgar Greenleaf, February 14, 1981 (deceased August 1985).