Gregg was born on August 10, 1962 in Lexington, Nebraska, United States. Son of Donn Gerard and Alice Hartwell Jann;
chancellor small business owner author
Gregg was born on August 10, 1962 in Lexington, Nebraska, United States. Son of Donn Gerard and Alice Hartwell Jann;
AS in Computer Science, Santa Rosa Junior College, California, 1982; Bachelor of Science in Business Admin/Management Science, California State University, Chico, 1986; 2nd-Bachelor Arts in Business Economics, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California, 1994.
Senior assistant manager F.W. Woolworth Company, San Francisco, 1988—1991; coordinator, counselor Community Support Network, Santa Rosa, since 1999; counselor Buckelew Programs, 2004—2005; customer service manager Schwans Home Service, 2005—2006; owner, consultant Jann Demystifying Affects, since 2005; Peer Support Specialist Intern Goodwill, 2019-2020; Chair Sonoma County Mental Health Board, 1994—1998; liaison California Network Mental Health Clients, Sacramento, 1999—2002; fellow Leadership Institute Ecology & Economy, 2001; Author: Bettering the World, 2009; Author: Teach Peace and Creative Accountability, 2013; Author: A Jann Plan: Creative Origins Advocacy/Teach Peace and Creative Accountability, 2014; Author: Van Goghing Gregg: Recovery Toward Love, 2017; Author: Truth to Origin, 2019.
Protestant: Methodist Church member since 1992, currently men's bible study where his late Reverend Father Donn served - his dad's former First Presbyterian Church in Northern California.
Gregg Jann feels like he won a lot of progressive history sweeps of the era since the 1960s. Jann was second to none in Mental Health accomplishments in consumers with labor rights, the Mental Health Services Act design, and continued work in teaching and trying for credit for un-Pirating the more dependent if we could know this about them. Jann's non-partisan elected official on the school board taught Character Education for Teach Peace and social skills for soft skills of students to spread over time anti-bullying and cooperation and peace. His inclusive Reconciling Methodist church membership supports and pledges gay and lesbian rights of most any kinds as people we need to understand and welcome, and alongside his school set of teachings the local community needs to go beyond vocational advantage to be inclusive and be leaders socially in acceptance of both "I am and those I am not"- on going work for the children who are young. Reconciling Congregations need Gregg Jann's school board's Character Ed to accept soft skills to teach acceptance and understanding, as the general public.
If Gregg Jann was Reagan speech maker, Jann spoke the Real Ronnie's heart as a Democrat surrounded in business school by Reps. Jann was a hero already at 21 years old, and was first in stating the name of AIDS and you can read Gregg Jann's non-fiction accounts of the TS of the ugly Marin County religious cult era in the 1970s Jann Family contended when he was as a young teenager who was innocent.
He is not-yet -married, and he says he wants to be to someday a fine, beautiful woman for a wife.