RUNGE, H was born on September 27, 1932 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States.
RUNGE, H was born on September 27, 1932 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States.
Grinnell College (Bachelor of Arts, 1955). University of Wisconsin (Bachelor of Laws, 1962). Phi Alpha Delta. Assistant United States.
Attorney, 1967-1969.
Attorney Administrative Division, Department of Justice, 1962-1967.
Working as a partner of H. CARL RUNGE, JR., Limited. Admitted to the bar, 1962, Wisconsin and United States. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. 1964, United States. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin.
1965, United States.
District Court, Eastern District of Illinois. 1967, United States. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin and United States. Tax Court; 1969, Illinois and United States.
District Court, Southern District of Illinois.
1975, United States. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
Tri-City, Saint Clair County, Madison County, Illinois State and American Bar Associations. State Bar of Wisconsin. The Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association.