Lotz, Harold Joseph was born on June 7, 1960 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, United States. Son of Harold Joseph and Catherine (Stoner) Lotz.
Lotz, Harold Joseph was born on June 7, 1960 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, United States. Son of Harold Joseph and Catherine (Stoner) Lotz.
Student, Austin College, 1978-1979; Bachelor cum laude, Southwestern U., 1982; Juris Doctor, Baylor University, 1984.
Association, Fulbright & Jaworski, Houston, 1984-1985; associate, Fulbright & Jaworski, San Antonio, 1985-1988, 89-; associate, Fulbright & Jaworski, Austin, 1988-1991; partner, Shelton, Lotz & Valadez, Professional Corporation, 1992-1996; partner, Lopez, Lotz, Pauerstein & Stahl, Professional Corporation, 1996-1997; partner, Lopez & Lotz, Professional Corporation, 1997; partner, Lotz & Associations, Professional Corporation, San Antonio, since 1997.
Member American Bar Association, American Academy Hospital Attorneys, Texas Bar Association, Texas Association Defense Counsel, San Antonio Young Lawyers Association, Houston Bar Association, San AntonioBar Association, Texas Bar Association, Defense Research Institute.
Married Sharon Lee Duke, August 16, 1986.