Hebbel, Hartmut was born on November 7, 1943 in Gumbinnen, Ostpreußen, Germany. Son of Walter Hebbel and Ilse Noack-Hebbel.
Hebbel, Hartmut was born on November 7, 1943 in Gumbinnen, Ostpreußen, Germany. Son of Walter Hebbel and Ilse Noack-Hebbel.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Technology University, Berlin, 1973. Doctor of Philosophy, University Dortmund, Germany. Habilitation, University Dortmund, Germany, 1988.
Scientific assistant University Dortmund, Germany, 1973—1984, professor, 1984—1988. Professor University Hamburg, Germany, 1988—1990, University Essen, 1990—1991, University Munich, 1991—1992, University Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, 1992—2009, professor emeritus, 2009.
Member of German Statistical Society, Hamburg.
Married Ursula Wiese, January 21, 1972. Children: Daniela, Matthias.