BUGG, J was born on October 29, 1954 in Springfield, Missouri, United States.
BUGG, J was born on October 29, 1954 in Springfield, Missouri, United States.
Southern Methodist University (Bachelor of Business Administration, cum laude, 1976. Juris Doctor, 1979).
Working as a partner of GRESHAM, Davis, GREGORY, WORTHY & Moore. Admitted to the bar, 1979, Texas and United States. Tax Court.
"Selection of Form of a Business Organization," State Bar of Texas - Texas Practice Guide, 2nd edition, Volume 1,1983. "When a Professional Corporation Breaks up, Reorganization Provisions May Prevent Gain," Taxation for Accountants, September, 1982. "When the Party’s Over: Use of Divisive Reorganizations for a Tax-Free Division of The Professional Service Corporation," 13 St. Mary's Law Journal 113, Co-Author: "The IRS Should Eliminate the Penalty Tax Often Required for Delaying a Decision to File a Consolidated Return," Taxes Magazine, July, 1978.
San Antonio and American (Member, Section of Taxation) Bar Associations. State Bar of Texas (Member, Section of Taxation). (Also practicing individually at 660 North Main Avenue).