Jack D. Schwager was born on June 27, 1948, in Antwerp, Belgium. He is a son of Emil and Margaret Schwager.
2900 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11210, United States
In 1970 Jack D. Schwager received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Brooklyn College.
Providence, RI 02912, United States
In 1971 Jack D. Schwager obtained a Master of Arts degree in economics from Brown University.
Jack D. Schwager
Jack D. Schwager
Jack D. Schwager
(In The New Market Wizards, successful traders relate the ...)
In The New Market Wizards, successful traders relate the financial strategies that have rocketed them to success. Asking questions that readers with an interest or involvement in the financial markets would love to pose to the financial superstars. Jack D. Schwager encourages these financial wizards to share their insights.
(The definitive guide to technical analysis... written fro...)
The definitive guide to technical analysis... written from a trader's perspective With the keen insight and perspective that have made him a market legend, Jack D. Schwager explores, explains, and examines the application of technical analysis in futures trading. In the most in-depth, comprehensive book available, the bestselling investment writer demonstrates why he is one of today's foremost authorities. Here is the one volume no trader should be without.
(Revered by many, reviled by some, technical analysis is t...)
Revered by many, reviled by some, technical analysis is the art and science of deciphering price activity to better understand market behavior and identify trading opportunities. In this accessible guide, Jack Schwager-perhaps the most recognized and respected name in the field-demystifies technical analysis for beginning investors, clearly explaining such basics as trends, trading ranges, chart patterns, stops, entry, and exit and pyramiding approaches. The book's numerous examples and clear, simple explanations provide a solid framework for using technical analysis to make better, more informed investment decisions and as the basis for mechanical trading systems.
(The third in the bestselling Market Wizards series, this ...)
The third in the bestselling Market Wizards series, this time focusing on the barometer of the economy - the stock market. It has been nearly a decade since the publication of the highly successful The New Market Wizards. The interim has witnessed the most dynamic bull market in US stock history, a collapse in commodity prices, dramatic failures in some of the world's leading hedge funds, the burst of the Internet bubble, a fall into recession and subsequent rumblings of recovery. Who have been the 'market wizards' during this tumultuous financial period? How did some traders manage to significantly outperform a stockmarket that during its heyday moved virtually straight up? This book will feature interviews with a variety of traders who achieved phenomenal financial success during the glory days of the Internet boom. In contrast with the first two Market Wizard books, which included traders from a broad financial spectrum - stocks, bonds, currencies, and futures - this volume will focus on traders in the stock market.
(When it comes to investment models and theories of how ma...)
When it comes to investment models and theories of how markets work, convenience usually trumps reality. The simple fact is that many revered investment theories and market models are flatly wrong - that is, if we insist that they work in the real world. Unfounded assumptions, erroneous theories, unrealistic models, cognitive biases, emotional foibles, and unsubstantiated beliefs all combine to lead investors astray - professionals as well as novices. In this engaging new book, Jack Schwager, bestselling author of Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards, takes aim at the most perniciously pervasive academic precepts, money management canards, market myths and investor errors. Like so many ducks in a shooting gallery, Schwager picks them off, one at a time, revealing the truth about many of the fallacious assumptions, theories, and beliefs at the core of investment theory and practice.
(From bestselling author, investment expert, and Wall Stre...)
From bestselling author, investment expert, and Wall Street theoretician Jack Schwager comes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of hedge funds, from fifteen traders who've consistently beaten the markets. Exploring what makes a great trader a great trader, Hedge Fund Market Wizards breaks new ground, giving readers rare insight into the trading philosophy and successful methods employed by some of the most profitable individuals in the hedge fund business.
(In The Little Book of Market Wizards, Jack Schwager seeks...)
In The Little Book of Market Wizards, Jack Schwager seeks to distill what he considers the essential lessons he learned in conducting nearly four dozen interviews with some of the world's best traders. The book delves into the mindset and processes of highly successful traders, providing insights that all traders should find helpful in improving their trading skills and results.
(A Complete Guide to the Futures Market is a comprehensive...)
A Complete Guide to the Futures Market is a comprehensive resource for futures traders and analysts. Spanning everything from technical analysis, trading systems, and fundamental analysis to options, spreads, and practical trading principles, A Complete Guide is required reading for any trader or investor who wants to successfully navigate the futures market. Clear, concise, and to the point, this fully revised and updated second edition provides a solid foundation in futures market basics, details key analysis and forecasting techniques, explores advanced trading concepts, and illustrates the practical application of these ideas with hundreds of market examples.
Jack D. Schwager was born on June 27, 1948, in Antwerp, Belgium. He is a son of Emil and Margaret Schwager.
In 1970 Jack D. Schwager received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Brooklyn College. In 1971 he obtained a Master of Arts degree in economics from Brown University.
Jack D. Schwager has spent most of his adult life working in the futures market, and by all accounts has been very successful at it. He worked for more than twenty years as a director of futures research for various financial firms in New York, New York, including Prudential Securities, Paine Webber, and Smith Barney. He was a founder and former principal of Market Wizard Funds.
Schwager was a partner in the Fortune Group (2001-2010), a London-based hedge fund advisory firm. In 2015, Schwager partnered with TradeShark to release a set of proprietary indicators including Trend Weight, Overbought/Oversold, Directional Weight, and Dual Trend, accompanied by a series of eight videos explaining these indicators.
Schwager has had an equally successful career writing books that explain the intricacies of futures trading to others. Schwager did his first writing for Commodities magazine in the 1970s. In 1984 he published A Complete Guide to the Futures Market: Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading, Spreads, and Options, a 740-page tome that quickly became a classic.
A decade later Schwager revised and expanded A Complete Guide to the Futures Market. The new work, Schwager on Futures, was published in three volumes, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, and Managed Trading: Myths and Truths. The Fundamental Analysis volume rivaled the size of the original guide, and Technical Analysis actually exceeded it.
Between the publication of A Complete Guide to the Futures Market and Schwager on Futures, Schwager also wrote two books of interviews with some of the leading traders of the time, Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders and, three years later, The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders. Writing a third, similar book, Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America's Top Stock Traders, prompted Schwager to start his own fund. Market Wizard Funds, which invests in the hedge funds run by some of the traders he interviewed for that book.
His other books include Hedge Fund Market Wizards (2012), Market Sense and Nonsense (2012), The Little Book of Market Wizards (2014), etc. Schwager is a frequent seminar speaker and has lectured on a range of analytical topics including the characteristics of great traders, investment fallacies, hedge fund portfolios, managed accounts, technical analysis, and trading system evaluation.
Jack D. Schwager is a recognized industry expert in futures and hedge funds and the author of a number of widely acclaimed financial books. He is best known for his best-selling series of interviews with the greatest hedge fund managers of the last three decades. His works received high praise from critics.
(From bestselling author, investment expert, and Wall Stre...)
2012(In The Little Book of Market Wizards, Jack Schwager seeks...)
2014(Revered by many, reviled by some, technical analysis is t...)
1999(The third in the bestselling Market Wizards series, this ...)
2001(In The New Market Wizards, successful traders relate the ...)
1992(When it comes to investment models and theories of how ma...)
2012(A Complete Guide to the Futures Market is a comprehensive...)
2017(The definitive guide to technical analysis... written fro...)
1995Jack D. Schwager is one of the founders of Fund Seeder, a platform designed to find undiscovered trading talent worldwide and connect unknown successful traders with sources of investment capital.
He said about his books with interviews: "Verbatim interviews make awful reading. The key is to reshape the interview so that it stays true to the subject but becomes readable. My methodology consists of the following steps: research for appropriate interview subjects; conduct a two-to eight-hour interview; listen to the raw tape and redictate (in edited language) any portions that might be used for a chapter (typically, only about five to twenty-five percent); transcribe, reshuffle, and heavily edit this streamlined tape; continue to edit drafts until I stop tripping over text that is inadequate or misplaced; and write prose sections for chapter introductions and conclusions."
Schwager told about his influences: "I was inspired by Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin LeFevre, a book that still rang true as a source of market trading wisdom seventy years after it was written (which is when I read it). The book, which is widely believed to be based on the trading experiences of Jesse Livermore, provides such an authentic representation of the trading experience that many believe that the author's name is a pseudonym for Livermore. It is not; LeFevre was a journalist and writer."
"Being wrong is acceptable, but staying wrong is totally unacceptable."
"Michael Jordan didn’t become a great basketball player because he wanted to do product endorsements. Van Gogh didn’t become a great painter because he dreamed that one day his paintings would sell for $50 million."
On May 10, 1974, Jack D. Schwager married Jo Ann Wolkov. They have three children: Daniel, Zachary, and Samantha.