Lorenz, Jack Chapin was born on November 24, 1929 in Minneapolis, Kansas, United States. Son of Ira V. and Anna (Chapin) Lorenz.
Lorenz, Jack Chapin was born on November 24, 1929 in Minneapolis, Kansas, United States. Son of Ira V. and Anna (Chapin) Lorenz.
Bachelor of Science, Kansas State University, 1952. Juris Doctor, Washburn University, 1959.
Partner Brown & Lorenz, Council Grove, Kansas, 1959—1961. County attorney Morris County (Kansas), 1960—1961. Attorney Southwestern Bell Telephone Сompany, Topeka, 1961—1965, St. Louis, 1965—1967, general attorney Kansas City, 1969—1975, general solicitor, 1975—1983.
Attorney American Telephone & Telegraph Company, New York City, 1967—1969. Vice president, general counsel, secretary Southwestern Bell Publications, Inc., St. Louis, since 1984, Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages, Inc., since 1987. Instructor commercial law, banking, 1960—1961.
Member Kansas City Fair Employment Committee, 1973—1975. Director Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages, Inc., AD/VENT GRAFX, 1983—1984. 1st lieutenant United States Air Force, 1952-1954.
Board directors Robinwood West Improvement Association, St. Louis, 1966—1967. Member of American Bar Association, American Corporation Counsel Association, St. Louis Metropolitan Bar Foundation (director 1981-1987), Kansas City Bar Association, Kansas County Attorney Association, Morris County Bar Association, Missouri Bar Association (chairman annual meetings, chairman administration law committee 1988, secretary, treasurer 1959-1961), Kansas Chamber of Commerce, Kansas Junior Chamber of C. (vice president Council Grove 1960-1961), Kansas State University Alumni Association, Washburn University Alumni Association, Pioneers Club, Forest Hills Country Club, Creve Coeur Racquet Club, Chancery Club (honorary life member), Paincourt Club, Kiwanis (vice president 1962), Masons.
Married Margrit M. Hug, October 7, 1955. 1 child Rebecca.