Lever, Jack Q. was born on July 8, 1948 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Lever, Jack Q. was born on July 8, 1948 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Clemson University (Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 1970). Catholic University of America (Juris Doctor, 1974).
Worked at McDermott, Will & Emery (Washington, District of Columbia) specializing in General Practice (including Corporate, Employee Benefits, Estate Planning, Health, Litigation and Tax Law). Admitted to the bar, 1974, Maryland. 1975-1982, United States.
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.
1982, District of Columbia and United States. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
1990, United States. District Court, District of Columbia, United States.
District Court, District of Maryland, United States. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and United States.
Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. Registered to practice before United States.
Patent and Trademark Office.
Author: "The New Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit," 64 JPOS 178, 243, 1982. "Unfair Methods of Competition in Import Trade: Actions before the International Trade Commission," The Business Lawyer, Volume 41, Number. 4, August 1986. Company-author: "The Process Patent Amendments: The Perils and Pitfalls of Protection," The Computer Lawyer, Volume 6, Number.
2, February 1989.
"The Impact of the 1988 Omnibus Trade Acting on Litigation before the International Trade Commission Under Section 337," The Computer Lawyer, Volume 5, Number. 11, November 1988. Editor: "United States. Intellectual Property Legislative Review: An Annual Survey," Clark Boardman.
Deputy General Counsel for Patents, Department of Energy, 1980-1982.
Patent Attorney, Department of Energy, 1976-1981. Patent Examiner, United States Patent and Trademark Office, 1970-1976.
Special Counsel and Representative, Office of Technology Assessment United States Congress, 1981. Member: The District of Columbia Bar.
Bar Association of the District of Columbia.
Maryland State and American (Member, Sections on: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law. Litigation; Corporation, Banking and Business Law. Antitrust) Bar Associations
American Intellectual Property Law Association.
Inter-American Bar Association. International Trade Commission Trial Lawyers Association.
McDermott, Will & Emery is an international law firm founded in 1934. Originally a Chicago tax law practice, the firm has established a full-service presence in seven domestic and three international offices with more than 600 attorneys.
Clients include large corporations and individuals as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
The firm represents a wide range of industrial, financial and commercial enterprises, both publicly and privately held. Firm attorneys represent clients in every state as well as numerous foreign jurisdictions.
The New Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit," 64 JPOS 178, 243, 1982. "Unfair Methods of Competition in Import Trade: Actions before the International Trade Commission," The Business Lawyer, Volume 41, No. 4, August 1986. Coauthor: "The Process Patent Amendments: The Perils and Pitfalls of Protection," The Computer Lawyer, Volume 6, No.
2, February 1989
"The Impact of the 1988 Omnibus Trade Act on Litigation before the International Trade Commission Under Section 337," The Computer Lawyer, Volume 5, No. 11, November 1988. Deputy General Counsel for Patents, Department of Energy, 1980-1982. Patent Attorney, Department of Energy, 1976-1981.
Patent Examiner, United States Patent and Trademark Office, 1970-1976. Special Counsel and Representative, Office of Technology Assessment United States Congress, 1981.
Member: The District of Columbia Bar. Bar Association of the District of Columbia. Maryland State and American (Member, Sections on: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law.
Corporation, Banking and Business Law. Antitrust) Bar Associations American Intellectual Property Law Association.
Inter-American Bar Association.
International Trade Commission Trial Lawyers Association