Fisk was born on 1 April in 1835 in Pownal, Vermont, United States.
Financier stockbroker corporate executive
Fisk was born on 1 April in 1835 in Pownal, Vermont, United States.
James didn't get the educational degree. After a brief period in school, he ran away in 1850 and joined Van Amberg's Mammoth Circus & Menagerie.
After a brief period in school, he ran away in 1850 and joined Van Amberg's Mammoth Circus & Menagerie. Later, he became a hotel waiter, and finally adopted the business of his father, a peddler. He applied what he learned in the circus to his peddling and grew his father's business. He then became a salesman for Jordan Marsh, a Boston dry goods firm.
During the Civil War, he made money buying Southern cotton for a Northern syndicate in areas occupied by the Northern armies.
Fisk, ever alert to the main chance, realized that Jay Gould was really calling the tune, and he became Gould's man.
When Gould made peace with Vanderbilt, the Erie became Gould's private preserve and Fisk was retained on the board, while Drew was pushed out. Fisk had made money; he made more in controlling and operating the Narragansett Steamship Company.
He also ran the Fall River and Bristol steamboat lines. Gould had sensed that the U. S. Treasury would not tolerate a corner on the gold market and would release gold. When it did, Gould—but not Fisk—emerged relatively unscathed. He was a big spender in New York's nightlife, where he was known as "Jubilee Jim. "A rival shot him in a quarrel over a popular actress on Jan. 6, 1872, and Fisk died the next day.
Fisk took part in the protection of the Erie railway from Vanderbilt. James tried to monopolize the gold market, by inflating a soap bubble with prices together with Jay Gould. This is actually what caused the "Black Friday" in 1869. The panic in the market and sharp droping of gold prices, made bankrupt many businessmen and undermined the reputation of President Ulysses Garnt. But Fisk and Guld managed to avoid bankruptcy, having managed to sell most of their gold, before the collapse of prices.
Erie directorate, Erie Railroad, 1864
James Fisk managed, simultaneously, three of New York's most lively theaters--the Academy of Music, the Fifth Avenue, and the gaudy Opera House. The public came to expect daily sensations from the young tycoon. Fisk used his ample funds to patronize the theater in New York; he bought Pike's Opera House and leased the Academy of Music.
James married to Lucy Moore in 1854 when he was 19 years old, and she was 15. Moore was an orphan, who grew up in Springfield, Massachusetts. She tolerated the numerous infidelities of her husband and lived with her girlfriend in Boston (Boston). Despite all the wickedness of her husband, Lucy managed to maintain a good relationship with him. He visited her every few weeks and tried to spend with her the whole summer and holidays.