The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
(Sylvester sC onstructive Theory of Partitions, papers on ...)
Sylvester sC onstructive Theory of Partitions, papers on Binary Matrices, and theL ectures on the Theory of Reciprocants. There is added an Index to the four volumes, and aB iographical Notice of Sylvester. The Mathematical Questions in theE ducational Times are as yet unedited, but an Index to them is appended here. I have to acknowledge the kindness of Dr J. E. McT aggart, F.B.A., who secured for me the loan of theE ssay on Canonical Forms, from theL ibrary ofT rinity College, Cambridge, for Vol. i, and that of Mr R. F. Scott. M.A., Master of St John sC ollege, Cambridge, for the use of the volume called The Laws of Verse, from which the matter contained in the Appendix to Vol. ii was reprinted, who supplied also the Autograph on the Frontispiece of this Volume. To the latter gentleman, as well as toM ajor P. A. MacM ahon, Professor E. B. Elliott andS ir Joseph Larmor, I owe my best thanks for reading through theB iographical Notice. In carrying through the task of editing the Papers, I have, in general, thought it most fitting not to oflF er any remarks of my own in regard to Sylvester stext, though many times at a loss to know how best to act. In the Appendix to Vol. I I have departed from this rule, giving there an account of Sylvester schief theorems in regard to determinants. For two other cases the reader may find notes, Proceedings of theL ondon Mathematical Society, Vol. iv, Ser. II (1907), pp. 131 135, and Vol. VI (1908), pp. 122 140; these refer respectively to the paperN o. 36, p. 229, and to the paperN o. 74, p. 452, both mV ol. II of the Reprint. Many corrections of errors in the printing of algebraical formulae have been introduced, though many, it is to be feared, still remain; but no alterations of Sylvester sstatements have been made without definite indication, by square brackets or otherwise. To the Readers andS taff of the University Pr
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)