Rosenstein, James Alfred was born on January 4, 1939 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Louis Charles and Natalie Selma (Stern) Rosenstein.
lawyer mediator negotiation facilitator
Rosenstein, James Alfred was born on January 4, 1939 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Louis Charles and Natalie Selma (Stern) Rosenstein.
AB, Harvard University, 1961; Juris Doctor, Harvard University, 1968.
Associate Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, Philadelphia, 1968-1976, partner, 1976-1997. Principal Rosenstein Associates, since 1997. Of counsel Fineman Krokstein & Harris, Professional Corporation, since 2009.
Member advisory committee task force on condominiums Joint State Govt Commission, Pennsylvania General Assembly, 1977-1979. Member condominium-cooperative steering committee Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1980-1981.
Trustee Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 1977—2005, since 2007, member executive committee, 1989-1997, 98-2002, chairman committee on local services, 1986-1989, secretary, 1987-1988, vice president, 1988-1994, chairman committee on allocations and planning, 1989-1992. Vice president jewish Community Relations Council, 1982-1985, 89-90, 96-2000, president, 2000-2002. Trustee United Way of Greater Philadelphia, 1979-1984, board directors, 1982-1985, 91-97.
President Hillel Greater Philadelphia, 1981-1983. Vice chairman Synagogue-Federation Council Greater Philadelphia, 1995-1997, chairman, 1997-1999. Lieutenant United States Navy, 1961-1965.
Member American Bar Association (chairman development and financing of condominium projects 1993-1997), Pennsylvania Bar Association (chairman common interest ownership committee 1980-1993, chairman real property division 1993-1995, chairman real property, probate and trust law section 1995-1996), Philadelphia Bar Association (co-chairman legislation relations committee 1996-1997, co-chairman ADR committee 2003—2004), American College Real Estate Lawyers, College Community Association Lawyers, Society Professionals in Dispute Resolution (co-chairman commercial section 1998-2000), Council Jewish Federations (board directors 1986-1998, chairman committee on services to aging 1991-1994, chair national funding council 1996-1998, executive committee 1997-1998), United Jewish Communities Federation North America (chairman Northeast region 1998-2001), Association Conflict Resolution (president since 2008, philosophical chapter 2003-2004, board director since 2006). PA Council Mediators (board director since 2005). American Jewish Committee (president Philadelphia & S. Jersey chapter since 2007).
Married Linda Merle Lederman, September 7, 1969. 1 child, Judith Esther.