Bell, James Frederick was born on August 5, 1922 in New Orleans. Son of George Bryan and Sarah Barr (Perry) Bell.
Bell, James Frederick was born on August 5, 1922 in New Orleans. Son of George Bryan and Sarah Barr (Perry) Bell.
Bachelor of Arts cum laude, Princeton University, 1943; Bachelor of Laws, Harvard University, 1948.
Associate, Pogue & Neal, Washington, 1948-1953; partner, Pogue & Neal, Washington, 1953-1988; consultant, Pogue & Neal, Washington, 1988-1989; retired, 1988. General counsel Conference State Bank Suprs., 1951-1987.
Chairman commission on canons and other business Episcopal Diocese of Washington, 1960-1978. President Episcopalian Center for Children, Washington, 1966-1967. Lieutenant United States Naval Reserve, 1943-1946.
Member American Bar Association, District of Columbia Bar Association.
Married Jill Cooper Arden, April 14, 1951. Children: Bradley Cushing, Sara Perry, Ashley Arden.