Harbison, James Prescott was born on April 5, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Robert James III and Elizabeth (Thompson) Harbison.
Harbison, James Prescott was born on April 5, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Son of Robert James III and Elizabeth (Thompson) Harbison.
Bachelor of Arts in Physics, Harvard College, 1973; Master of Science in Applied Physics, Harvard College, 1974; Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics/Materials Science, Harvard College, 1977.
International Business Machines Corporation postdoctoral fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1977-1978; member technical staff, Bell laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, 1978-1984; member technical staff, Bellcore, Red Bank, New Jersey, 1984-1995; research scientist, Bellcore, Morristown, New Jersey, since 1996.
Member American Physical Society, American Vacuum society, Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Materials Research Society.
Married Susan Foster, June 17, 1973. Children: Thomas Foster, Daniel Robert, Elizabeth Thompson Harbison.